[news] Fans e Famiglia Jackson vogliono causa contro BASHIR

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07/06/2021 16:55
Post: 158
Registrato il: 24/11/2020
Sesso: Femminile
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The Essential Fan

sab 8 mag, 22:17

a me

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Lucrezia Sonya, I think we should be realistic about the case against Murray - it will hardly be reopened, at least he was tried and served (half) his time in jail.
But AEG got away with what they did to Michael as the judge did not allow a single question concerning AEG's involvement in the case, alas.

As to Robson and Safechuck the appeal process is a very costly business and if they really appeal it means that someone is and has been supporting them financially all this time. I am 100% sure that they are doing it on someone else's instructions and are provided with the ways and means to do it.

And those who mastermind this project are not ready to give up. Their main goal is not only to tarnish Michael's reputation but also make his Estate and children go bankrupt. I see it as their main goal. So anything that bleeds the Estate and Michael's children of money is actually anti-Michael.

Hoaxers are also unpleasant but they are simply idiots. And if someone is an idiot you can't help it, 😢
I wish all these people would take care of really serious matters - like defending Michael's innocence for example.

I hope you will be successful in making your contribution to it too. Someone should go on with it!


questa è quella dell'8 maggio ....
07/06/2021 16:56
Post: 159
Registrato il: 24/11/2020
Sesso: Femminile
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The Essential Fan

mar 18 mag, 18:59

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Sonja, I understand your frustration with many issues around Michael, but I need to clarify the matter of the ATV catalogue.

Everyone thinks that Branca made a mistake there, but I see his decision as absolutely correct. The problem is that there is a law in the US which requires the owners of songs to pass the rights to them to their authors when they reach a certain age. And Paul McCartney was just around that age and was already raising the matter with the Estate.

According to that law the transition of the biggest part of the ATV catalogue to Paul McCartney was unavoidable, and I think that this is the reason why Branca sold it to Sony (for $750 mln) so that the inevitable dispute with Paul McCartney was handled by Sony and not the Estate. As far as I know Sony and McCartney reached a compromise over those songs, and the matter between them is now settled.

Before the sale of the ATV catalogue Branca invested Michael's money in 2011 in the EMI catalogue which covers 2,1mln songs of the 20th century up to today. To see how good this investment was, remember that the consortium that bought the EMI catalogue included David Geffen, who never invests money in non-profitable assets.

So yes, the ATV catalogue is gone, but the Estate had a better and a less problematic one instead. I think that purchase was a reasonable decision on Branca's part.
However later on all other partners in the consortium sold their parts to Sony who thus acquired 90% of the EMI catalogue, with the Estate having 10%, and in the summer of 2018 Sony bought the remaining 10% from the Estate too to become the sole owner of that catalogue. The Estate received $287mln for it. So all in all (for ATV and their share in EMI) the Estate received over a billion from Sony.

In my opinion the Estate could have kept those 10% in EMI as that stake could be super profitable for Michael's children. My supposition why they sold it is that they were probably trying to amass a good deal of money in case their dispute with the IRS (who initially demanded $700mln from them) failed. But in May this year the IRS matter was decided in favor of the Estate. The court decision may be appealed, but if it becomes final I think it would be reasonable on Branca's part to reinvest some of the Estate money in publishing rights for some songs again or in some other lucrative way.

Branca is trying very hard to act in the best interests of Michael's children, so we'll see.
07/06/2021 17:10
Post: 160
Registrato il: 24/11/2020
Sesso: Femminile
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The Essential Fan

dom 30 mag, 20:13 (8 giorni fa)

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Sonja, I hope the book you've mentioned will tell the truth and not the usual lies or half-lies.
AEG is certainly responsible and guilty as hell. Their contract with Michael was outrageous - they wanted to exploit him till the end of his life and judging by their terms Michael was to pay for everything in those shows, but would hardly receive any money at all. Their terms made me furious and I more or less calmed down only when they fired Randy Phillips after all.

As to the Neverland ranch I looked into the details of the so-called "saving deal" by Tom Barrack when he paid $22,5 to stop the auction procedure in 2008 and allegedly formed a joint venture with Michael. It turned out that the joint venture news was a flat LIE as the moment Tom Barrack paid for it the Neverland ranch the Colony Capital became the sole owner of the ranch, and according to the documents Michael was only a nominal owner. At the time I even made a post about it, but no one in the fan community believed it as the media was saying something different.

But it was the sad truth about the Neverland - since that deal with the Colony Capital in 2008 Michael no longer owned even a fraction of the ranch.
Moreover, according to the documents all innovations that were made by Tom Barrack were to be covered by Michael, so the more Barrack spent on maintaining the ranch the bigger was Michael's debt over it.

After his death the Estate must have been covering those expenses and I kept thinking that the longer the ranch remained unsold, the bigger would be the Estate's expenses on keeping it. But seeing that the price for the ranch was dropping with every new day I hoped that Tom Barrack would have the decency to make a present of it to Michael's children - since it was giving him no profit and was only a sort of a headache.

However Tom Barrack (friend of AEG and Tohme Tohme, by the way) is not a kind of a person to give away his property for nothing. When he was buying it from Michael he was planning to resell it later at a big profit for himself. The Estate on the other hand found themselves in a situation that the longer it remained unsold the more they paid for for maintaining it. Now that Ron Burkle bought it for $22 mln. it means that Barrack practically received his money back without losing anything, while the Estate must have lost a lot of money paid in maintenance fees for the ranch during all these years.

In other words, since the moment when the Colony Capital so-called "saved" the ranch in 2008 it was like a stone on Michael's and then his Estate's neck. It didn't bring them any profit - on the contrary it was bringing them only losses.

Let me repeat that I came to this conclusion when I studied the contract made between Tom Barrack and MJ in 2008, prior to his deal with AEG. It was published somewhere (now I don't even remember where) and I didn't make a detailed post about it in the blog for the only reason that it was extremely sad news for Michael's fans and I didn't want to do any publicity damage to the possible sale of the ranch to prospective buyers. If buyers knew that the Estate was in need to get rid of it as soon as possible to avoid paying all those expenses, the prospects of its sale would have been only dimmer.

But I clearly remember the conclusion I made for myself - for Michael and his Estate the Neverland ranch was a huge burden and the sooner they sell the better it would be.


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Sonja Lucrezia DRG

lun 31 mag, 18:03 (7 giorni fa)
Hello Helena, what I read is terrible !!! So Michael as I feared would not receive NOTHING for the 51 concerts that the AEG was forcing him to do .... even befo

lun 31 mag, 19:28 (7 giorni fa)
Yes, this is the conclusion I came to after studying their "contract" inside out. I put the word contract in inverted commas as it was actually no contract but
Sonja Lucrezia DRG

lun 31 mag, 21:27 (7 giorni fa)

a vindicatemj@gmail.com
My God Helena !!! Worse and worse, I knew that Randy Phillips (the book that said this is called "The First Book Of Michael" by Syl Mortilla (it's a pseudonym: the book is still for sale on Amazon; while Syl Mortilla is no longer on Twitter because I'm afraid that as for those who had created on Facebook: KingOfPoptheLegend and tried to reveal the truth about the "concerts" of THIS IS IT was silenced ". However, she managed to make a video entitled:" The truth behind the concerts of THIS IS IT ") OBLIGED Michael to go to rehearsals even the rare times when Murray had prescribed him to rest, that he had threatened to take his children away and even slapped him !!! In the video he explained precisely, that it was strange that ALL Michael's rehearsals were "FILMED" as if everything already had a purpose ... and in fact .... there is the DVD, they made the film that obviously made the all sold out at the screening !!! And also that in fact Murray was on the AEG payroll and not that er he was "chosen" by Michael, so much so that he closed his studio and dismissed all his clients. They are definitely guilty !!! THEM, THE MEDIA SOLD, I am deeply disgusted, I tried to distract myself by putting in place some photos of Michael while visiting hospital and orphanages, he was really an angel and I was constantly reminded of the images of his poor body just before the autopsy. ... the bruises, the waxes on the arms, the mouthpiece for breathing, and his half-open face with the tattooed makeup visible ... the latest insults to that sweet creature: Sometimes I really wish he could have escaped , but unfortunately the autotptic report does not lie ..... Vitiligo, the lung problem caused by Lupus Discoid .... too many confirmations .... I always avoid looking at those images, they hurt too much and know that there are IDIOTS who say that it is a HOAX hurts even more ... as if MIchael could have given such great pain to her children who were the light of her eyes, to the mother she loved tenderly .... unfortunately the reality is there and not it can be canceled .... b a good evening Helena remembers I am here ... I have never abandoned Michael ... no matter how many years have passed or will pass I will love him and I will be there until the end of my days and I hope one day to have the grace that I did not have when he was alive and being able to hug him in heaven ..... from the bottom of my heart I love you

30 e 31 maggio ...ora ditemi sapendo che la ROVINA di Michael ebbe INIZIO da quel stramaledetto documentario che venne usato (con le "accuse " FALSE di Evan Chandler nel 1993 da TOM SNEDDON per imbastire quel vergognoso infame processo ,riuscireste ancora a perdonare Martin Bashir ????😔😔😔😔😔PS.le Email sono TUTTE originali ho solo fatto copia ed incolla perchè non sono molto pratica con il computer ...ho fatto "amicizia " con Helena la Admin di VindicateMJ ....non sono uno scherzo io ho usato google traslator sia per scrivere a LEI che per leggere le SUE risposte ...sono rimasta scioccata ....per questo mi è difficile perdonare ....pensare poi che c'è un assassino che vive libero mi fà ancora di piu' arrabbiare ...PS :nella prima email si parla delle "fantomatiche " HOAX per cui c'era una petizione di John Branca per eliminarle...sò che frà voi c'è chi conosce bene l'inglese e non avrete problemi a tradurle ...io non l'ho fatto preferisco che leggiate l'ORIGINALE !!! Mi scuso per il tempo "rubato " ma sono seria e distrutta da ciò che ho letto ....Michael era come Gesù e (NON MI SENTO BLASFEMA )e come lui è stato crucifisso ma non una sola volta....purtroppo .....😔😔😔😔😔😭😭😭😭😭
25/06/2021 01:12
Post: 153
Registrato il: 05/03/2009
Città: PAVIA
Età: 44
Sesso: Femminile
The Essential Fan
Perdono? Purtroppo Bashir non pagherà mai abbastanza...
25/06/2021 12:48
Post: 5.114
Registrato il: 12/04/2019
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piper79, 25/06/2021 01:12:

Perdono? Purtroppo Bashir non pagherà mai abbastanza...

Hai ragione. Non basta la sua vita per pagare i danni recati a Michael

Forever with you MJJ
You are engraved in my heart ♥
25/06/2021 21:14
Post: 183
Registrato il: 24/11/2020
Sesso: Femminile
Utente Certificato
The Essential Fan
25/06/2021 21:41
Post: 184
Registrato il: 24/11/2020
Sesso: Femminile
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The Essential Fan
25/06/2021 21:46
Post: 185
Registrato il: 24/11/2020
Sesso: Femminile
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The Essential Fan
Queste immagini "artistiche " (a parte l'ultima ) mi sembra rappresentino bene le torture e la "crocifissione " che Michael nella sua breve vita e specie negli ultimi anni ha dovuto subire .NESSUNO pagherà MAI abbastanza per tutto il male che gli hanno fatto !!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😩😩😭😭😭😭😭
25/06/2021 21:48
Post: 186
Registrato il: 24/11/2020
Sesso: Femminile
Utente Certificato
The Essential Fan
e credo che questa dica molto ....sulla sua sofferenza ......😭😭😭😭😭
08/07/2021 10:43
Post: 154
Registrato il: 05/03/2009
Città: PAVIA
Età: 44
Sesso: Femminile
The Essential Fan
A proposito dell'incontro tra Michael e bashir che organizzò Uri Geller...per chi non sapesse chi è questa ennesima feccia che girava intorno a Michael, invito alla visione su you tube di un interessantissimo documentario in 7 parti "indagine sul paranormale " di Piero Angela dei primi anni 80, che oltre ad essere un documento importante per l'indagine condotta, da anche un quadro di Geller...quanto questo rifiuto umano abbia contribuito a confondere/manipolare Michael lo possiamo solo intuire
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